Wednesday, August 7, 2013

President's Article for the Winter issue of the IACP's “Declarations”

To all of our ADTA Friends and Family – Below is the piece I wrote for the Winter issue of “Declarations,” the semi-annual magazine of the International Association of Claims Professionals. The Presidents of the ADTA, IADC, FDCC and DRI are invited to write a piece for each issue. It is one of the ways that we make our association visible to members of the insurance industry that many ADTA members and law firms serve.

I hope all of you and yours are well as summer proceeds.  Pretty soon, many of us will be seeing cooler temperatures and different colored leaves on the trees. 



As I waited in the third floor lobby of the John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse in Boston recently for a Mediation to begin, I wondered what must be going through the minds of the lawyers representing James "Whitey" Bulger in a nearby courtroom.  In that case, as many of you may know, federal prosecutors allege that Bulger murdered 19 people as the leader of a protection racket that targeted drug kingpins and the heads of illegal gambling operations.  By the time you are reading this, perhaps you will have read about a verdict.  If convicted, Bulger could face the death penalty. For Bulger, it is a very risky situation indeed.

As I thought about the issues, legal arguments and strategies in my case - in which money damages are at stake - I could not help but wonder how the lawyers who represent Bulger and other criminal defendants must feel, knowing that their clients' money and personal liberty are at risk. 
"Risk."  It is at the heart of what every IACP member professional deals with every day.  And, ultimately, "risk" is what insurance defense trial lawyers deal with every day, as well.  It is never entirely clear what a judge or jury will do, how they will perceive the facts or witnesses' credibility, and ultimately what value they might (or might not) place upon a particular outcome. 

And so, insurance professionals and defense lawyers seek the same goal:  To minimize risks by understanding the underlying facts and the law that applies to them in a myriad of different situations with a seemingly infinite number of variables.  IACP professionals and insurance defense lawyers share the need for good information and timely, competent advice. 

Where does that come from? 

We can benefit from the "book knowledge" gained by attending school, and by studying at the "College of Hard Knocks" - the experience of handling our work on a day-to-day basis.  But the question remains:  What else can we do to prepare ourselves to make good decisions on the risks our insureds and clients face every day? 

I would submit that groups like the International Association of Claims Professionals, as well as the group I currently lead - the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys (ADTA) - are critical components in the ongoing process of education and experience for insurance claims professionals and the attorneys who represent them and their insureds.  The superb quality of educational programming that IACP provides its members is evident - we at the ADTA have a similar focus on high quality "continuing legal education" at our annual meetings.  At the Greenbrier this past April 2013, for example, ADTA's "CLE" programming focused on law firm management, on how lawyers can better manage and utilize human and technology resources to provide quality legal services efficiently at a reasonable cost.  It was a terrific program and was very well received by our members.

But the IACP and ADTA are more than educational programming.  Much more. 

When I became ADTA president at our Greenbrier meeting, I spoke about three things that ADTA has offered since its inception 72 years ago that I believe reflect the core values of our organization: (1) A warm welcome; (2) a promise of fellowship; and (3) a tradition of excellence.  What those things add up to is a unique opportunity to gain education and experience by building strong, personal relationships with other similarly situated professionals in jurisdictions throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada and the United Kingdom.

ADTA is delighted to participate in IACP's Annual Meetings.  My wife Karen and  I greatly enjoyed our experience last year at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, and we look forward to being with you again at future meetings.  It was evident last year in Orlando that IACP's members share the same passion for "getting it right" that ADTA members strive for in the work our member defense trial attorneys do every day, in and out of the courtroom. 

What was also evident is that the IACP is much more than educational programming.  IACP's members share the ADTA's core values of fellowship and excellence through strong personal relationships developed over the years with other members.  And those relationships reinforce our education and experience, and make us better at what we do every day.  And that helps us to make better decisions about how to manage the "risks" that we all face every day.
ADTA thanks the IACP for the opportunity to be involved!  We hope to foster a strong relationship between our organizations in the future. 

If you have any questions about how ADTA member attorneys can assist you or your firm on a wide variety of insurance issues, I would love to hear from you.  Or visit 

The Tradition of Excellence Continues!

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